Unidos por la dignidad de los animales

Este blog nace con la finalidad de servir de unión a todas las personas que prestan su voz a los más débiles, a los olvidados por la sociedad: a los animales. Desbordada por todos los avisos de solicitud de ayuda, de animales maltratados/y abandonados que llegan hasta mí po diferentes medios, quiero intentar crear un espacio en el que recoger todos y cada unos de los casos e invitar a todo aquél que pueda a colaborar en su difusión.

Intento crear una red de cooperación, entre asociaciones protectoras, ONGs, veterinarios y estudiantes, médicos, juristas, periodistas, profesores, gente solidaria de cualquier categoría y profesión que sean sensibles y consciente de lo valioso que es el respeto hacia toda forma de vida y la necesidad de su protección.

Así, cualquier ayuda, sugerencia, queja, nos es bien recibida. Me gustaría poner enlaces a otros sitios web y que otros lo pongan de este sitio. Ójala entre todo y aprovechando las posibilidades que nos ofrece la red (webs, redes sociales, medios digitales), logramos avanzar en el largo y duro camino hacia la meta que es la conscienciación por parte de la sociedad de que los animales no tienen que "gustarte o no", no son una afición. Hay que respetarlos, siempre, porque ellos se lo merecen.

Colabora con nosotros, DIFUNDE, pon un enlace, agréganos, participa, comenta, apórtanos información útil, sugiérenos soluciones y aporta tu granito de arena. Recuerda que granito a grano vamos sumando.

Para cualquier sugerencia: terry-mrincn@hotmail.com


Colaborar no te hace daño

Si en licor gastas hasta 150 Bs. (y te hace daño) (en una sola sentada)??? Si en una hamburguesa gastas 35 Bs. (y te hace daño) (mínimo por persona)?? Si en un cine gastas 20 Bs. (solo en la entrada)?? Si en una camisa gastas 120 Bs. (teniendo varias)?? Si en cigarro gastas ufffff (y te hace tanto daño)?? Si en entradas de las rumbas gastas desde 50 Bs. En adelante??Y así con la mayoría de las cosas en nuestra vida…………………….……
¿¿CUANTAS VECES HAS VISTO QUE LA BARRIGUITA DE ALGÚN PELUDO SE LE LLENA DICIÉNDOLE??? Ójala algún día dejen de maltratar animales, qué mala es la gente, que cuando va a cambiar el mundo, etc. etc. (créanme que si fuera así grabara mensajes y se las pusiera en todos los refugios a todo volumen hasta que se quemaran las cornetas)El cambio o el continuo maltrato al universo (y todo lo que lo compone) esta en nuestras manos en nuestros aportes, en nuestras verdaderas ayudas, etc., etc..
YA QUE MUCHOS NO PUEDEN COLABORAR ADOPTANDO (aunque muchos prefieren adoptar solo cuando el peludo es de raza) pues ayudemos colaborando con su comida, hagamos algo por nuestro entorno y por nosotros mismos, ayudemos al que mas lo necesita, al que es realmente inocente al venir al mundo, al más indefenso, al más capaz de ser fiel, al verdadero amigo.
Puedes colaborar de muchas formas: adoptando, acogiendo, difundiendo, asistiendo a una protectora y regalándoles tu tiempo y tu cariño, entregándoles algún objeto que ya no utilices y que a ellos pueda serles útil, entregando comida, apartando una huchita con ahorritos (no es necesario que sea mucho) para ellos. Pero ni siquiera te pedimos dinero, nos valen los alimentos, las ropitas, juguetes y medicinas que puedas aportarnos.
Muchas gracias!!

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Interesting offer

Good day!

We considered your resume to be very attractive and we thought the vacant position in our company could be interesting for you.

Our firm specializes in online services in the matter of business administration.
We cooperate with different countries and currently we have many clients in yours region.
Due to this fact, we need to increase the number of our destination representatives' regular staff.

Part-time and full-time employment are both currently important.
We offer a flat wage from $1500 up to $7000 per month.

If you are interested in our offer, please visit our web page.

Attention! Accept applications only on this and next week.

Respectively submitted
Personnel department

lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017

atrevete a disfrutar

Buganvilias Resort le invita  a hospedarse en

“Sheraton –Buganvilias Puerto Vallarta”



Certificado Vacacional incluye:

  • 4 días y 3 noches de hospedaje para 2 adultos y 2 menores en hotel Sheraton Buganvilias de Puerto Vallarta
  • Habitación de lujo frente  al mar
  • Opción de cambiar la fecha de viaje sin costo adicional
  • 1 año de vigencia después de que adquiere el paquete para que lo utilice en 2017 , sujeto a disponibilidad aplica términos y condiciones.

Precio:    $3,990.00 plan Europeo      y      $6,990.00 Plan Todo Incluido.

*Aplican términos y condiciones








Ejecutivo de operaciones Call Center

T  +52 (322) 226 0404       Ext. 6931 


Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio 999, Zona Hotelera Las Glorias, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. MX. 48333


Respetamos mucho su privacidad, en caso de  no querer recibir este tipo de información y promociones favor de responder y colocar en asunto la palabra “baja", pues de ninguna manera es nuestra intención molestarle, si no brindarle opciones para vacacionar.


viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Message 5152

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

Best medic@l prooducts Here Now

Thnaks @g@|n
Heriberto Rowland

ID #1804

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Agustin Nelson

jueves, 20 de julio de 2017

ID 1828

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

Bset medic@i prodcuts Here Now

Thannks agaain
Aline Joyner

miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017

ID #1613

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Isabelle Fuller

sábado, 15 de julio de 2017


Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Adeline Garza

viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

You Account 8197

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to best medical supplies!
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Landon Gould

miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

ID 9267

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Tamara Holt

martes, 11 de julio de 2017

ID #6899

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Dana Mckenzie

Offer 0397

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Chauncey Mcconnell

domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

Message 0559

Hi terrybd.mrincn,

You have access to your free trading cash!
The money is sitting and waiting in your account now.
Access Here Now

Thanks again
Rachael Ortega

martes, 20 de junio de 2017


Buganvilias Resort le invita  a hospedarse en

"Sheraton -Buganvilias Puerto Vallarta"




Buganvilias Resort te invita a disfrutar hospedándote en lujoso hotel Sheraton Buganvilias de Puerto Vallarta.


Aprovecha esta oportunidad y al reservar el día de hoy.


** Un año de vigencia a partir de su compra. No aplica semana santa, navidad y año nuevo**



Para más información comuníquese con el siguiente asesor:





Ejecutivo de operaciones Call Center

T  +52 (322) 226 0404       Ext. 6931 

Cel: 322-148-7766

Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio 999, Zona Hotelera Las Glorias, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. MX. 48333

Respetamos su privacidad, en caso de que no quiera recibir este tipo de información y promociones favor de responder este correo con la palabra **BAJA** gracias por su compresión, pues de ninguna manera es nuestra intención molestarle, si no brindarle opciones para vacacionar.



lunes, 19 de junio de 2017


My close friend Ruben told me to inform you about launch of his trading app.
It's called CopyBinary... and as its name says, its generating profits of 50,000 dollars every week for its users.

Check this instruction video and grab your free copy of the software

This auto trading app has already been rewarded as "The best trading software of 2017" and this year is not even over yet.
So it's amazing success!
1,500 people already signed up
890 out of them are millionaires already
Are you going to be another one?

Get your access now

You will thank me later for sharing this with you.
Raul Mccarthy

How are you?

My close friend Georgette told me to inform you about launch of his trading app.
It's called CopyBinary... and as its name says, its generating profits of 50,000 dollars every week for its users.

Check this instruction video and grab your free copy of the software

This auto trading app has already been rewarded as "The best trading software of 2017" and this year is not even over yet.
So it's amazing success!
1,500 people already signed up
890 out of them are millionaires already
Are you going to be another one?

Get your access now

You will thank me later for sharing this with you.
Helga Duke

jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

Get better today – Increase your brain memory and intellectual abilities

Use these tablets to boost your memory and improve your mental activity.

The first science-based brain-hacking solution that actually works,
all you got to do to improve your life is to join join up.

martes, 13 de junio de 2017

From Silver Star Motors
Showroom Copier
Kyocera CS 4002i

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017


martes, 23 de mayo de 2017


Thank you for your order. Your Invoice - 47-7607 is attached.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Emailing: 8875422.pdf

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:

Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017



jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Scanned image

Image data in PDF format has been attached to this email.



lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Katheryn, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2100-$5100.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Have a nice day!

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Jacquelyn, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2800-$5600.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Good day!

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017


Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Kathrine, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2500-$5800.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Good day!

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Addition To Your Workout Is Is This Top Supplement

Working hard at the gym, but the results aren't as fantastic as you've expected?

We have a solution right for you.

Brand-new unique product will compliment your gym workout results and give you an opportunity to obtain marvellous results.

Fast-acting formula, natural components and unique ingredients are acting just like a fat burner, reducing appetite, improving mood and allowing you to to lose excessive weight with pleasure.

You're the master of your beautiful body, don't let it be like this, you can have so much more.

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Look at my pussy please!

Look at my photos Here!

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Fwd: virginie lurquin: That you would be interested in this story. I found on The New York Times

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: virginie lurquin <virginie.lurquin@sfr.fr>
Date: March 1, 2017 at 7:45:49 AM GMT-7
To: Rainer.Fumpfei <rainer.fumpfei@t-online.de>
Subject: virginie lurquin: That you would be interested in this story. I found on The New York Times

martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Local representation needed for the International Company

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Chad, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2400-$5200.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

d_health Good day!

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Hi look at my honey pussy please!

Hi look at my honey pussy please Click here! 

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

Come to my profile, I have laid out the network new photos!

Hello, Good news for all the single guys who are interested in meeting a Russian woman.
Please click here  and find links to the selected, 100% checked profiles of sincere Russian women.
Sorry for bothering if this is not for you
Good luck!

Come to my profile, I have laid out the network new photos!

Hello, Good news for all the single guys who are interested in meeting a Russian woman.
Please click here  and find links to the selected, 100% checked profiles of sincere Russian women.
Sorry for bothering if this is not for you
Good luck!

martes, 17 de enero de 2017

Welcoming speech

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Andy, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2000-$5500.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Have a nice day!

Re: CV 678

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Elvira, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2500-$5600.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Have a nice day!

sábado, 14 de enero de 2017


Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Lidia, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2800-$5200.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Have a nice day!

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Speech of welcome

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Reynaldo, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2400-$5600.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

d_health Have a nice day!

domingo, 8 de enero de 2017


Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Damien, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2700-$5100.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

d_health Best regards!

jueves, 5 de enero de 2017

Speech of welcome

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Leta, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2600-$5800.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Best regards!

Re: Salary [$1000 /week]

Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Rudolph, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2000-$5200.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Best regards!

lunes, 2 de enero de 2017


Dear terrybd.mrincn,

We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Romeo, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.
Salary is $2100-$5400.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit Our Site

Good day!