Unidos por la dignidad de los animales

Este blog nace con la finalidad de servir de unión a todas las personas que prestan su voz a los más débiles, a los olvidados por la sociedad: a los animales. Desbordada por todos los avisos de solicitud de ayuda, de animales maltratados/y abandonados que llegan hasta mí po diferentes medios, quiero intentar crear un espacio en el que recoger todos y cada unos de los casos e invitar a todo aquél que pueda a colaborar en su difusión.

Intento crear una red de cooperación, entre asociaciones protectoras, ONGs, veterinarios y estudiantes, médicos, juristas, periodistas, profesores, gente solidaria de cualquier categoría y profesión que sean sensibles y consciente de lo valioso que es el respeto hacia toda forma de vida y la necesidad de su protección.

Así, cualquier ayuda, sugerencia, queja, nos es bien recibida. Me gustaría poner enlaces a otros sitios web y que otros lo pongan de este sitio. Ójala entre todo y aprovechando las posibilidades que nos ofrece la red (webs, redes sociales, medios digitales), logramos avanzar en el largo y duro camino hacia la meta que es la conscienciación por parte de la sociedad de que los animales no tienen que "gustarte o no", no son una afición. Hay que respetarlos, siempre, porque ellos se lo merecen.

Colabora con nosotros, DIFUNDE, pon un enlace, agréganos, participa, comenta, apórtanos información útil, sugiérenos soluciones y aporta tu granito de arena. Recuerda que granito a grano vamos sumando.

Para cualquier sugerencia: terry-mrincn@hotmail.com


Colaborar no te hace daño

Si en licor gastas hasta 150 Bs. (y te hace daño) (en una sola sentada)??? Si en una hamburguesa gastas 35 Bs. (y te hace daño) (mínimo por persona)?? Si en un cine gastas 20 Bs. (solo en la entrada)?? Si en una camisa gastas 120 Bs. (teniendo varias)?? Si en cigarro gastas ufffff (y te hace tanto daño)?? Si en entradas de las rumbas gastas desde 50 Bs. En adelante??Y así con la mayoría de las cosas en nuestra vida…………………….……
¿¿CUANTAS VECES HAS VISTO QUE LA BARRIGUITA DE ALGÚN PELUDO SE LE LLENA DICIÉNDOLE??? Ójala algún día dejen de maltratar animales, qué mala es la gente, que cuando va a cambiar el mundo, etc. etc. (créanme que si fuera así grabara mensajes y se las pusiera en todos los refugios a todo volumen hasta que se quemaran las cornetas)El cambio o el continuo maltrato al universo (y todo lo que lo compone) esta en nuestras manos en nuestros aportes, en nuestras verdaderas ayudas, etc., etc..
YA QUE MUCHOS NO PUEDEN COLABORAR ADOPTANDO (aunque muchos prefieren adoptar solo cuando el peludo es de raza) pues ayudemos colaborando con su comida, hagamos algo por nuestro entorno y por nosotros mismos, ayudemos al que mas lo necesita, al que es realmente inocente al venir al mundo, al más indefenso, al más capaz de ser fiel, al verdadero amigo.
Puedes colaborar de muchas formas: adoptando, acogiendo, difundiendo, asistiendo a una protectora y regalándoles tu tiempo y tu cariño, entregándoles algún objeto que ya no utilices y que a ellos pueda serles útil, entregando comida, apartando una huchita con ahorritos (no es necesario que sea mucho) para ellos. Pero ni siquiera te pedimos dinero, nos valen los alimentos, las ropitas, juguetes y medicinas que puedas aportarnos.
Muchas gracias!!

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

This is the one trade of a lifetime

October 28, 2014
Issue #325

Due to high winds and low temperatures, hypothermia is a danger even in the summer. PPF organizes training programmes on press freedom, the rights of journalists and on journalistic ethics. She is also happily married to Kim David Gussenhoven and has a son named J. Because of its growth, JNE extended its assets by purchasing buildings in 2002 and established the JNE Sorting Center. There were 235 households out of which 28. I think is great. Barnett, Cathy Brigham, Gary Hartman, Casey Monahan, Dave Oliphant, and George B. In this case, it was the drainage of lake Fucino which was credited for causing the quake. He was born on May 3, 1859. The Eye is a townland in its own right, with a registered area of 21. Authors of great literature are by contrast supposed to be compelled to write. The Legislative Assembly was driven by two opposing groups. It has preserved this motto while other Red Cross organizations have adopted others. Scenes are filmed while Elissa is in her room preparing for the wedding as well as at the church where the ceremony was held. This did not, however, keep him from working at his Bible translations into Latin and French. Wood 1984 Ciguatera in the Eastern Caribbean. Kingman's pop fly goes through the roof of the stadium. At Clemson University, Tillinghast has demonstrated a different type of art form that many people are unaware of. Earlier decisions in English courts had allowed victims to recover damages for emotional injury. Panthers jersey with the number 16 on the sleeves. After World War I, the Special Troops deployed to Fort Riley, Kansas . A number of smaller hospitals also act as teaching hospitals. Afghanistan could stop the Nepal and Maldives Players to win. November 1953 between France students and Selection Province. No matter how good a woman's hair smells, a man must stand by his principles when it comes to love and television. In 2004, Clayton appeared in 10 games as a reserve, finishing with 14 carries for 71 yards.Usually, only the first and fourth verses are sung. The music video was directed by Shawn Mortensen on November 21, 1995 in London and Portmouth. Merijo and their children Angela and Brett. When NYC proved unfruitful for Essman and Visionary Cinema, both he and the company relocated to Los Angeles. Pablo Lagarma, who had declared for constitutional restoration. He was one of the original members at its formation in 1999 until he left for personal reasons in September 2004. A few days later, Jiyu while walking along with her friends, she sees Ayunosuke sleeping and rushes to her side. Christian took formal possession of his lands on 22 April 1657, a few months after the funeral of his father on 27 January 1657. Nate asks him again, about the inquisition. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 1,065 and an area of 22. Epworth resigned from the Midland Alliance. When they meet Cervantes, Baptiste appears to betray Chance by offering his services to Cervantes. Renovations occurred in 1868 and 1887. Oakland has steadily advanced its progress toward Zero Waste in recent years. Jay Ski and C. ASP Route 1 also intersects with ASP Route 2 by Redhouse Lake. Utada's career in terms of physical sales. H tells them about Luce's trip.She makes Pinocchio come alive, although still a puppet. Location and movement are determined by mental state. A number of specialized facilities were constructed to support SNAP reactor testing and development. For services to Young People in Scotland. Islamic school located in the heart of Birmingham City UK. Collision Mitigation for pedestrians where Vision is the key technology for detecting pedestrians. It provides education for children from 3rd to 6th class. Counterpoint, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2005, pp. Therefore, the player must take advantage of his or her mutant army and crush the robot invaders. When the mines were exhausted, the emphasis turned to other products such as coffee, salts and textiles. Human Nutrition Research Center. This annihilation implies eternal reunion, as well as existence in full positivity and glory. It is the franchise's first ever post season appearance. Sc and a Ph.Shortly after, she exploded. Final, which is the first stable release of Teamspeak 3. All four branches reported malfunctions caused by the M3 magazine, mostly attributed to defective or jammed magazine followers. Maratha to set right the social combination. Little is known about this piece and it has never been released commercially and possibly never recorded. Minh Mang was a classicist who was regarded as one of Vietnam's most scholarly monarchs. His run ended in May but he rejoined the cast as Sir Robin in September and remained through January 4, 2009. Colonel Ken Smyth, who was wounded and became a prisoner of war. PCB would be too big or too much work for a small number of components. Wie ist der Mann. He tries to get people to vote for him by setting up a curry store. The regiment was organized at Camp Ward, located on a farm. Miami and was so inspired that he resolved to start a Public Health Association in Australia. Clements RJ, McDonough J, Freeman EJ.II refers to Volume II. Former editors are Sherle R. Of the 79 households, 29. An upper belt of eight inches thickness ran immediately above the main belt and for the same extent. He was very good in maintaining friendships. However, fearful that he is being betrayed, Orpheus does look back and Eurydice is lost to him for ever. Additional disciplines are taught in Christchurch and Wellington. East Bay Regional Park Dist. A lightweight distribution designed to be easy to use even for new users. Unlike Ken Shamrock, Tito really respected Frank, wearing his shirt at the end of the match, conceding who is the true champion. In 2005, Julie trained as a Life Coach and now runs her own coaching practice. Its dimensions are 3. An MOA lays out the ground rules of a positive cooperative effort. D 3e, the d20 SRD is JUST 3e scrubbed of IP and some basic rules.The suite of halls beyond the churchyard was erected in 1965, the session house in 1977 and the octagonal hall in 1987. In frustration, he drew his pistol but dropped it into his DH. Cunliffe family of Addingham. A book of the film was released containing the story and stills from the film. Milestones Professional has been reviewed at 2020Software. It is a developing town and specially known for Muslims. It damaged Majoria and Tourbillon castles and destroyed 115 of the 284 inhabited houses. As she is in love with him, she offers him the chance to leave Italy as a free man. However, only a week into the new MLS season, Miller was waived by D. AdKnowledge separately claimed that Swift failed to sufficiently identify AdKnowledge's role in the alleged fraud. It was raised once more in 1999 and it is currently operating the Rooivalk attack helicopter. Low clouds drift along as the morning sun rises over Mount Wilson. Parachute Battalion were almost out of ammunition, and were forced to withdraw to the southern side of the bridge. Daisley arrived in London in July and Khavas Jute played a few club gigs before disbanding. Using preferred Getty Index name. La Capital, 18 February 2005. Israel with his brother, Eliezer, in 1904. Crime on the transit system began spiking in 2008 and 2009. Smart's report, a copy of which was given to police, was completed in July 1992. Later he was promoted to the post of a Secretary of the company. His wife Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Foreign Exchange with Daljit Dhaliwal, May 22, 2009. Revealed to be an unwilling agent of the Four, and eventually saved by Snow. British aircraft carriers at anchor c1945. Federalists do not the Republicans before the general Carteaux. The ships were put ashore in two groups on the wide beaches on either side of the town. Clarke retired from cricket when the tour ended. Board, but finished some distance back. FAQ addresses whether there can be an acceptable level of acrylamide in food. CEO of the CIT Group. Persepolis was a weak team and played in 2nd Division at that time. International airport in Northern Mindanao. He found, however, upon experiment that the actual difference was only 59. Gavin ordered his men to prepare for the jump, and a few minutes later was the first paratrooper to jump from the plane. We are animals, donkeys or oxes with a will.
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