Unidos por la dignidad de los animales

Este blog nace con la finalidad de servir de unión a todas las personas que prestan su voz a los más débiles, a los olvidados por la sociedad: a los animales. Desbordada por todos los avisos de solicitud de ayuda, de animales maltratados/y abandonados que llegan hasta mí po diferentes medios, quiero intentar crear un espacio en el que recoger todos y cada unos de los casos e invitar a todo aquél que pueda a colaborar en su difusión.

Intento crear una red de cooperación, entre asociaciones protectoras, ONGs, veterinarios y estudiantes, médicos, juristas, periodistas, profesores, gente solidaria de cualquier categoría y profesión que sean sensibles y consciente de lo valioso que es el respeto hacia toda forma de vida y la necesidad de su protección.

Así, cualquier ayuda, sugerencia, queja, nos es bien recibida. Me gustaría poner enlaces a otros sitios web y que otros lo pongan de este sitio. Ójala entre todo y aprovechando las posibilidades que nos ofrece la red (webs, redes sociales, medios digitales), logramos avanzar en el largo y duro camino hacia la meta que es la conscienciación por parte de la sociedad de que los animales no tienen que "gustarte o no", no son una afición. Hay que respetarlos, siempre, porque ellos se lo merecen.

Colabora con nosotros, DIFUNDE, pon un enlace, agréganos, participa, comenta, apórtanos información útil, sugiérenos soluciones y aporta tu granito de arena. Recuerda que granito a grano vamos sumando.

Para cualquier sugerencia: terry-mrincn@hotmail.com


Colaborar no te hace daño

Si en licor gastas hasta 150 Bs. (y te hace daño) (en una sola sentada)??? Si en una hamburguesa gastas 35 Bs. (y te hace daño) (mínimo por persona)?? Si en un cine gastas 20 Bs. (solo en la entrada)?? Si en una camisa gastas 120 Bs. (teniendo varias)?? Si en cigarro gastas ufffff (y te hace tanto daño)?? Si en entradas de las rumbas gastas desde 50 Bs. En adelante??Y así con la mayoría de las cosas en nuestra vida…………………….……
¿¿CUANTAS VECES HAS VISTO QUE LA BARRIGUITA DE ALGÚN PELUDO SE LE LLENA DICIÉNDOLE??? Ójala algún día dejen de maltratar animales, qué mala es la gente, que cuando va a cambiar el mundo, etc. etc. (créanme que si fuera así grabara mensajes y se las pusiera en todos los refugios a todo volumen hasta que se quemaran las cornetas)El cambio o el continuo maltrato al universo (y todo lo que lo compone) esta en nuestras manos en nuestros aportes, en nuestras verdaderas ayudas, etc., etc..
YA QUE MUCHOS NO PUEDEN COLABORAR ADOPTANDO (aunque muchos prefieren adoptar solo cuando el peludo es de raza) pues ayudemos colaborando con su comida, hagamos algo por nuestro entorno y por nosotros mismos, ayudemos al que mas lo necesita, al que es realmente inocente al venir al mundo, al más indefenso, al más capaz de ser fiel, al verdadero amigo.
Puedes colaborar de muchas formas: adoptando, acogiendo, difundiendo, asistiendo a una protectora y regalándoles tu tiempo y tu cariño, entregándoles algún objeto que ya no utilices y que a ellos pueda serles útil, entregando comida, apartando una huchita con ahorritos (no es necesario que sea mucho) para ellos. Pero ni siquiera te pedimos dinero, nos valen los alimentos, las ropitas, juguetes y medicinas que puedas aportarnos.
Muchas gracias!!

domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

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  The truck bears Kansas license plate KVJ 572. Kingston Shipyards, Kingston, Ont. Before he died, Wythe accused his nephew of murder and changed his will to exclude him. No good can come from such a situation. Mostly the works explore in graphic detail the dark side of humanity in general and his native northern regions specifically. Jack Scott, a surgeon who operated on Ed to fix his heart condition. Graduates received a Navigator's wings. The line spectrum of the new radiation was first seen on 28 February 1928. There is no license for book pages, so I used the template for a book cover. If time permits, the two cosmonauts will also install struts on a ladder used by spacewalkers on the Pirs Docking Compartment. In 1996 the tower was demolished with explosives to prepare the site for sale. Hawkman was said to have the strength of 12 men but later that idea was dropped. Such mathematical modeling allows to derive more exact hypotheses and, therefore, stricter empirical validations. Final nominee for the Nancy Lieberman Award. Nematodes have longitudinal muscles along the body wall. JPB Girls High School. Guineveres he has had. Nielsen's daughter, Anne Marie, from 1918 to 1933. We are the masters of our enemy. Tom the night they landed in Batmunkh Gompa and flew to Erdene Tezh. Nichols Avenue and Huntington Turnpike, heads north into Trumbull from Stratford at Hawley Lane. Rome for military help because of the wars that they were having with their neighbours. It prefers areas with cracked clay soil. The school board decided to name the school after the nearby historic village of Stony Creek. The act of floating down a river for fun. Shea in a 1959 photo. Hmong or Miao in Asia. Cardassian prefect of Bajor. English Reformation which was presented to Rome for the process of beatification. Portugal had extended its nationality laws to Macao and many inhabitants of Macao hold Portuguese citizenship on this basis. It's not useful to retreat just for the sake of it. Even IEV leaders that had previously advocated Indonesian citizenhsip now fled the country. It does accept that many other factors may play a role in causing latitudinal gradients in species richness as well. Thus, Inari is still closely associated with Shingon Buddhism to this day. The agreement was criticized by archeologists and the public alike, but the demolition was carried out. Its dimensions are 3. This was a common act of filmmaking at the time. The toy version is a remold of Beast Wars Injector. The band reformed in 1990 and in 1998. Nobel Prize in Literature, four Pulitzer Prizes, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award. It has a population of 78,000. The old weaving mill once belonged to the Povel factory. These early days under the pay to play era were troubled, the site frequently going down for one reason or another. Inverse Problem and Imaging. Billy, Earth is restored to normal. In a material world that was an extremely true statement. Gurney and Cramer and had considered running for the Senate even before he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Loss of wheels caused many wagons to be abandoned along the route. January 9, 1962 in Revere by Jackie Lynch. Sunset at Mekong River. ESSCIRC, Firenze, Italy, Sept. The Japanese game distributor run its Beta on 19th Feb. Mark was the USA Taekwondo Forms Champion for 4th Degree Black Belts and higher in 1996. Nelson decided to split his fleet into squadrons rather than forming it into a similar line parallel to the enemy. About twelve women worldwide have given birth while on life support machines since 1979, according to Dr. King Albert to hold the fortress system to the end. Hundreds of additional suspects remain at large. American Flags for the U. James also started working on a book about pregnancy. North Carolina, would do the work on moving the railroad materials to the new location. The song debuted at number 1 in the UK and remained in the position for three consecutive weeks. Piedade, arrived on the island on 17 September 1607. School of the Art Institute. Photo of auto magnet promoting awareness of autism. At the northern end the reservoir is fronted by a series of sheer cliffs on both sides where it fills a deep rift valley. Archery is an important cultural skill to the Summer Islanders. New York City subways and buses. Academy, which they attended on scholarship. Furthermore, several staff members, including its founder, Dr. Her studies in music and baton led to her becoming drum majorette of the Swartz Creek high school marching band. Mumbai Road and is very near the temple, gurudwara and mosque of the Infantry School Mhow. The lighthouse was lit for the first time in December 1855. I was able to progress at my own pace in a field I developed. Southern Comfort and club soda make a drink called An Old Woody. She apologises to everyone. Inspiration Point is a great side hike from this camp. German garrison had been concentrated within the town to defend it. In 2009, Kuraki saw a revival in her popularity. Paul McCabe won Pro Tour Dallas. Earls Barton Police Station. Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose's home in Falta, masquerading as Uttarpara. After World War II Latvia was incorporated in to Soviet Union, however it restored its independence in early 1990s. It is not known how many actually exist and are in flying condition. The last Postmistress was Joyce Carroll in 1991. In 1968, he was elected to the Milwaukee Common Council and then was elected the city's Comptroller. As Caligula is the grandnephew and heir to Tiberius, Diana is unofficially promised in marriage to him. He also was a writer of repute, contributing a number of studies on contemporary French painters. It remains unknown whether Jovin was planning to or indeed did meet this unnamed person that night. It is commonly called the Dodoma roads. The 5 Midnight Patrol members are the main stars of the show. Margaret Valentine succeeds to the presidency. NFC First Team in Barber's final three seasons before he retired in 2006. Bruce Gilley, and Marina Ottaway. Oh and Numbuh 1, welcome back. Superman are shown relaxing together on a beach while a stunned Lois watches them in horror. Nicolas Galindo in 1835. French fencing master, emigrated to Spain, author of a treaty of fencing. Scott Aldred was selected off waivers by the Montreal Expos from the Colorado Rockies.
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