Unidos por la dignidad de los animales

Este blog nace con la finalidad de servir de unión a todas las personas que prestan su voz a los más débiles, a los olvidados por la sociedad: a los animales. Desbordada por todos los avisos de solicitud de ayuda, de animales maltratados/y abandonados que llegan hasta mí po diferentes medios, quiero intentar crear un espacio en el que recoger todos y cada unos de los casos e invitar a todo aquél que pueda a colaborar en su difusión.

Intento crear una red de cooperación, entre asociaciones protectoras, ONGs, veterinarios y estudiantes, médicos, juristas, periodistas, profesores, gente solidaria de cualquier categoría y profesión que sean sensibles y consciente de lo valioso que es el respeto hacia toda forma de vida y la necesidad de su protección.

Así, cualquier ayuda, sugerencia, queja, nos es bien recibida. Me gustaría poner enlaces a otros sitios web y que otros lo pongan de este sitio. Ójala entre todo y aprovechando las posibilidades que nos ofrece la red (webs, redes sociales, medios digitales), logramos avanzar en el largo y duro camino hacia la meta que es la conscienciación por parte de la sociedad de que los animales no tienen que "gustarte o no", no son una afición. Hay que respetarlos, siempre, porque ellos se lo merecen.

Colabora con nosotros, DIFUNDE, pon un enlace, agréganos, participa, comenta, apórtanos información útil, sugiérenos soluciones y aporta tu granito de arena. Recuerda que granito a grano vamos sumando.

Para cualquier sugerencia: terry-mrincn@hotmail.com


Colaborar no te hace daño

Si en licor gastas hasta 150 Bs. (y te hace daño) (en una sola sentada)??? Si en una hamburguesa gastas 35 Bs. (y te hace daño) (mínimo por persona)?? Si en un cine gastas 20 Bs. (solo en la entrada)?? Si en una camisa gastas 120 Bs. (teniendo varias)?? Si en cigarro gastas ufffff (y te hace tanto daño)?? Si en entradas de las rumbas gastas desde 50 Bs. En adelante??Y así con la mayoría de las cosas en nuestra vida…………………….……
¿¿CUANTAS VECES HAS VISTO QUE LA BARRIGUITA DE ALGÚN PELUDO SE LE LLENA DICIÉNDOLE??? Ójala algún día dejen de maltratar animales, qué mala es la gente, que cuando va a cambiar el mundo, etc. etc. (créanme que si fuera así grabara mensajes y se las pusiera en todos los refugios a todo volumen hasta que se quemaran las cornetas)El cambio o el continuo maltrato al universo (y todo lo que lo compone) esta en nuestras manos en nuestros aportes, en nuestras verdaderas ayudas, etc., etc..
YA QUE MUCHOS NO PUEDEN COLABORAR ADOPTANDO (aunque muchos prefieren adoptar solo cuando el peludo es de raza) pues ayudemos colaborando con su comida, hagamos algo por nuestro entorno y por nosotros mismos, ayudemos al que mas lo necesita, al que es realmente inocente al venir al mundo, al más indefenso, al más capaz de ser fiel, al verdadero amigo.
Puedes colaborar de muchas formas: adoptando, acogiendo, difundiendo, asistiendo a una protectora y regalándoles tu tiempo y tu cariño, entregándoles algún objeto que ya no utilices y que a ellos pueda serles útil, entregando comida, apartando una huchita con ahorritos (no es necesario que sea mucho) para ellos. Pero ni siquiera te pedimos dinero, nos valen los alimentos, las ropitas, juguetes y medicinas que puedas aportarnos.
Muchas gracias!!

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

We've Just Come Across Something Huge!

Hi terrybd.mrincn
Calgary in honour of Back Alley John. Un par de casas, cuando mucho. Although far less capable than the ADATS missile, the Linebacker is able to keep up with mobile heavy forces. EMC test suite, which is housed within custom built electromagnetically shielded enclosures. Using that method, one parent speaks to the child in one language, and the other parent speaks to the child in another. June 20, 1861, from all operational forces in northern Virginia. Italian born architect who practices in Australia. In 1985 at the age of eighteen she performed on the talent show New Faces. Jans is known for his witty comments during press conferences and his positive attitude towards the press. HSSP within the HL7 organization. Theunisse was unable to walk but recovered over the six months and returned to coaching the Specialized team. The temple of Trilokinath was also constructed during his reign. Triumph of Furius Camillus, Fresco in the Salone dei Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy. The prices charged by LTTE to go to countries such as Canada was extremely higher than the normal cost to travel. The Building has been replaced with dorms and portable classrooms. This allows zip readers to load the list of files without reading the entire zip archive. Harley was the son of John Harley, a draper and silk mercer, and his wife Elizabeth. Hit music, variety, ethnic. In order to avoid their capture, the Portuguese had burned their big galleons. The narrator then poses perhaps another rhetorical question as to what he should do to remedy this depressing situation. However, oral administration of extracts of intestinal mucosa failed to help several patients with type 1 diabetes.
British Gay and Lesbian identity. The houses were all single storey, with asbestos roofs, in the beginning, but now most of the houses are multistoried. There were 1,571 households out of which 27. He was just completely unaware of the feelings of others. His second innings runs came in 36 balls. In 1858 they bought a house on Boston's Beacon Hill, and began a family. Clay is reluctant to ban the eggs, claiming Censordoll has a lot of power in the town and that banning eggs would be wrong. An edit yields what millions of people read on the site on any particular topic. The RPTA was then chartered under the laws of the state of Arizona. Burn Money Like Youku. Starheim was buried in his birthplace Lista. The earthquake was associated with areas of both uplift and subsidence. I always refused to draw a map of Skartaris. The deity can be a male, female, animal or even an object, like a holy stone. Aerial view of a barrier island, temporarily separated into two segments. Chicago in 1908, mainly by working in the summers. AAFTC's pilot training program, and the airfield was returned to civil control. Dordogne and Garrone with an average altitude of 20 m above sea level. It depicts a young woman's struggles to overcome her insecurity about her height by becoming a model. It is named in memory of his mother Rajabai. Lewisburg Area School Board Policy Manual Extracurriculars Policy 122 and Interscholastic Athletics Policy 123.
Edmonson began his singing career at age seven a member of the St. Injured soldiers were easily captured, and made up the bulk of Japanese POWs. The committee's chairman, W. During this period the club advised fringe players they were free to leave the club. Silver content reduces solubility of silver coatings in the solder. Fan letter from Cecil B. Civil Rights Defence, 16 March 2007. By John Vidal, Allegra Stratton and Suzanne Goldenberg. Sony issued a full recall at the start of the following year. Captain Cook, discovering countries and floating around in the middle of the ocean, and the rest wanted to bail out and go back. Beginning in the 1960s, musical concerts and performances held during Fair week starting drawing major acts and large crowds. The other ethnic groups are Dao, Mong, Nung and Kinh in the descending order of their population. After leaders agreed to read their pamphlet of issues before the colonial legislature, the mob of men agreed to disperse. Same person having two different articles. In 1978, the Gyeongju Campus was established. ERBville Press in January 2006. In Nobel Dynamite, teams traveled to a rock quarry and had to fill sandbags to create a protective bunker in the rock quarry. She called the police, and when they arrived, the killers opened fire. The following are the sections claimed by the CWI. By 1915, the transportation of petroleum products had become a lucrative endeavor for western railroads. And both are determined to find out the truth.
Stevenson accepted it with enthusiasm. He also embarked on a ruthless campaign against the Sicilian Mafiosi operating in Campania. And I can feel it too, Dr. If properly stored, the gas could also be utilized for community projects. The results were that gunfire spotted by aircraft was significantly more accurate than shipboard spotters. It prefers rocky areas, especially washes. His legislative desk was placed in the middle of the House floor. Map highlighting Perry Township, Monroe County, Indiana. Because of this, Akira was allowed to adopt Ajira's name. She died in Cleveland, Ohio. Germany and allowed Ludwig's coronation in Aachen against the will of the Archbishop of Cologne. The elections were contested by 18 parties, and a number of independent candidates. In 1976, the population of Kouklia was 732, which subsequently decreased to 681 in 1982 and 669 in 2001. By the time he went to high school, he had decided he wanted to be a chef and enrolled at The Culinary Institute of America. However, the Churches of Ireland and of western and northern Britain had their own distinct history and traditions. He retired from provincial politics at dissolution in 1975. Mazda2 began at the Ujina Plant No. Park and the sport and tennis grounds in Bad Hersfeld. This is despite the presence of random variability within the input variables. The color scheme of this box uses four color shades from one basic color. The municipality has 193.

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